Carrie Brogoitti
Public Health Administrator
Carrie Brogoitti, MPH, joined the CHD in August 2008. She provides leadership and oversight for local health department functions and services at CHD on behalf of Union County's public health authority. She assures the delivery of core public health services and supported the organization in becoming an Accredited Health Department in 2017. Prior to joining CHD, she worked for over ten years in health-related service delivery and fundraising for a number of health and social service organizations. She earned a Master of Public Health degree in 2004 from San Francisco State University and a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Oregon in 1997.

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Public Health
Center for Human Development, Inc., provides programs and services that maintain and improve public health in Union County. Public Health focuses on the health of the population as a whole. Our efforts to improve the health of the entire community include family planning, home visiting programs for children and their families, modernization, communicable disease prevention and treatment, immunizations, WIC-nutritional program, adolescent health, emergency preparedness and response, among others. CHD provides many of these public health services on behalf of Union County that fulfill their responsibility to protect and promote the health of Union County residents.
In 2022, the WIC program supported 868 Union County women, infants, and children in achieving optimal nutrition. These WIC participants supported our local economy by spending $333,492 at participating local stores and $5,044 with local farmers through the Farm Direct Nutrition Program.
In the most recent Oregon Healthy Teens Survey, the data showed that the use of vaping devices is increasing at an alarming rate. There is a rise in devices that hold both nicotine and marijuana. The availability of these products, as well as marketing from companies making these devices, leads teens to believe that they are safer to use than traditional cigarettes or marijuana. The CHD’s Public Health Prevention and Education Program is working with community partners to educate parents and children on the harms of vapes and other drugs to help create a drug-free community that we can live in.
Union County has seen an increase in Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in recent years. The rates for Chlamydia, Syphilis, and Gonorrhea increased from 2020-2022 by 114%. As a result of this significant increase in sexually transmitted diseases in Union County, CHD increased our efforts to educate the public on how to minimize the transmission of STDs in the community. CHD increased testing and treatment for STDs, renewed education and outreach, and increased access to healthcare. In addition, CHD identified strategic ways to distribute at-home STD testing kits to the most at-risk population. Rapid at-home STD kits are provided along with education and treatment options to those identified from the data. Our focus is to reach those who experience barriers to accessing STD testing and to increase awareness of the resources and services the Center for Human Development Public Health programs provide. These strategies will help to minimize the risk of transmission in Union County.
The reproductive health team works hard to meet the needs of our community. In a recent Reproductive Health Survey, 90% of the respondents felt that they had a convenient location for getting birth control, being tested or treated for sexually transmitted diseases, and having access to gender-affirming and/or sexual orientation-specific sexual reproductive health care. When asked if they felt they had access to services quickly, 90% also felt that CHD provided quick scheduling that was convenient for their schedule. 93% of respondents felt respected and comfortable at the location where they received reproductive health services.
Community Impact
Public health programs and services create many impacts on the community. The work we do is designed to protect your health without you even realizing it. Restaurant inspections protect Union County residents from diseases like foodborne illnesses. Water systems monitoring helps make sure your drinking water is safe. Immunizations protect everyone by helping keep diseases at bay in the community. Communicable disease investigation and treatment help keep the impact of diseases at a minimum by reducing their occurrence and making it less likely they will spread. Emergency Preparedness helps you prepare for extreme weather events as well as wildfires and smoke after wildfires. Modernization ensures everyone achieves their greatest health, bridging the gaps by increasing access to resources and services to the most underserved populations. Prevention and education work focuses on creating an environment in our community where making the healthiest choice is easy. All of this work helps create a healthier Union County.
2021 Union County Community Health Assessment
2023 Union County Community Health Improvement Plan
Services and Programs
In order to receive government funding, the Center for Human Development, Inc. (CHD) is required by state and county policies to charge for services it provides to the public. However no one will be denied clinical services because of an inability to pay. CHD does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, family status, age or disability. For further information on this policy contact Human Relations, 541-962-8811 or TTY 1-800-735-2900 or 711.
The Center for Human Development, Inc. is a Tobacco-Free Zone. Oregon law prohibits the use of all tobacco products in CHD buildings and on CHD property. OAR 515.051.0065