Communicable Diseases

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Communicable Diseases

Our Communicable Diseases Program at CHD works to safeguard community health by responding to outbreaks and infectious diseases of public health concern. We focus on preventing and controlling the spread of communicable diseases through investigations, immunizations, education, and treatment.

Preventing disease spread is crucial in public health. Infectious diseases can have a severe impact on human health, spreading from person to person or from animals to humans through various means like air, touch, or bodily fluids. Some diseases can be mild, while others can be fatal. Our program covers sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as well.

Learn more about STD’s
CDC Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

OHA STD Prevention

Our goal is to protect everyone in Union County from communicable disease threats. Contact us at 541-962-8800 to schedule testing for common communicable diseases such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HIV, and Hepatitis C. We offer vaccines for prevention, treatment for positive cases or exposure, education, and referrals for additional care and information as needed.

Communicable Disease (CD) vs. Non-Reportable Disease
Communicable diseases can be spread from person to person and include illnesses like:










Oregon law requires tracking these diseases to prevent outbreaks. Healthcare providers must report them. Non-reportable communicable diseases can also spread but are not investigated. Examples are:


Strep throat




Heart disease


Autoimmune diseases


CHD Communicable Diseases Program Goals
CHD aims to:
1. Prevent new sexually transmitted infections (STIs) through education.

2. Improve community health by reducing negative outcomes of STIs and other infections.

This is done by:
Providing confidential care

Offering low-cost services

Investigating infections

Educating the public

Children, Adults

Location of Service

Maddie McDowell

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Center for Human Development, Inc.
2301 Cove Avenue
La Grande, OR 97850
In order to receive government funding, the Center for Human Development, Inc. (CHD) is required by state and county policies to charge for services it provides to the public. However no one will be denied clinical services because of an inability to pay. CHD does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, family status, age or disability. For further information on this policy contact Human Relations, 541-962-8811 or TTY 1-800-735-2900 or 711.

The Center for Human Development, Inc. is a Tobacco-Free Zone. Oregon law prohibits the use of all tobacco products in CHD buildings and on CHD property. OAR 515.051.0065