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Services Coordination
Service coordination support is provided to children and adults receiving Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities services. Adults can choose to have this support from a Community Developmental Disabilities Program or a Support Services Brokerage. Services Coordinators or Brokerage Personal Agents meet at least annually with each person to review their current situation, identify needs, and make referrals for essential services. Services Coordinators help individuals develop a person-centered plan designed by and for the individual.
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Explore below to learn more about the Developmental Disabilities Services we provide. Call 541-962-8800, option 2 for more information. "You are in charge of planning for your supports. You decide which services will help you live the good life you want".

Our Services
In-home support
Individuals enrolled in Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities services may receive support they need in their own home or family home utilizing Personal Support Workers. With the help of an Individual Support Plan, adults, children, and their families are assisted through the planning and implementation of a person-centered plan with everyday activities like bathing, dressing, shopping, making meals, managing money, and help with behavior and communication challenges. You can visit the providers of these services and choose who works with you.
Case Management
Services coordinators will assist Individuals receiving Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities services through service referral and monitoring to identify and meet goals and access essential services. Your services coordinator will contact you regularly through the year to make sure your plan is working and make any needed improvements.
Vocational Support
CHD believes in the Employment First initiative philosophy that everyone can be employed in integrated community employment. Services Coordinators work with transition-age children and adults to help connect individuals receiving Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities services to community partners such as Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation and local employment provider agencies. Services Coordinators help individuals set goals, discover skills, and get community jobs, including support to maintain and advance in employment opportunities. You can visit the providers of these services and choose who works with you.
Residential Services
Working with foster care and group home providers locally and across the state, Services Coordinators help children and adults receiving Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities services find housing with the level of staff support they need to maintain a healthy, safe, and community-integrated life. Individuals utilize a person-centered plan for identifying needs, developing goals, and connecting with services. You can visit the providers of these services and choose who works with you.
Supported Living
Similar to In-Home Support, Supported Living allows adults enrolled in Intellectual / Development Disabilities services to receive the support they need in their own home with the help of provider agencies. You can visit the providers of these services and choose who works with you.
Community Supports
Individuals receiving Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities services may receive support to build and strengthen relationships between family members, friends, and members of the local community by providing opportunities for individuals to do the things they enjoy as well as new and interesting things that involve the broader community. You can visit the providers of these services and choose who works with you.
In order to receive government funding, the Center for Human Development, Inc. (CHD) is required by state and county policies to charge for services it provides to the public. However no one will be denied clinical services because of an inability to pay. CHD does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, family status, age or disability. For further information on this policy contact Human Relations, 541-962-8811 or TTY 1-800-735-2900 or 711.
The Center for Human Development, Inc. is a Tobacco-Free Zone. Oregon law prohibits the use of all tobacco products in CHD buildings and on CHD property. OAR 515.051.0065